Friday, August 29, 2014

Eating On a Budget

   So my husband and I sat down and figured out our expenses and we noticed that although we had a strict budget, we hadn't done well at sticking to it. We gasped at disbelief when we realized that we had spent more on a certain expense than we had on our car payment!!! It is no joke! The culprit was restaurants and fast food. With two kids and a busy lifestyle, it's easy to grab lunch, dinner, and occasionally breakfast here and there. But as you know well, it adds up!
   We formulated a plan to limit our restaurant expenditures to twice a month only. We sat down and wrote down a day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...) and then we wrote a different group of foods that we could pick from to have. My husband picked Spanish foods for Monday such as tacos, fajitas, enchiladas, etc, since he loves spicy foods. Tuesday is our deli day of the week with fresh subs and things like that (mimicking Subway's menu). Wednesday is homestyle country cooking such as meatloaf, fried chicken, chicken livers, etc. Thursday was chose as our Italian cuisine day. Friday is our day to grill out and have steaks, kabobs, etc. Saturday is the fun day of the week because my husband can have all American classics such as hotdogs, hamburgers, homemade potato chips, bbq, pizza, anything like that. Then lastly Sunday is our leftover Sunday so I, the cook, can rest!
   The tough part is sticking to it and making it a resolution in our minds that we will not eat out. I can make anything that the restaurants can, cutting half the fat, cholesterol, and calories. It makes me feel good that I am actively making sure my family gets the necessary foods and balanced meals that they need!  It will also make my wallet feel even better!
   We have decided that twice a month we can have a date night splurge and eat somewhere nice and have a night out together. That way eating out will be more of a luxury, and not just an ordinary thing!
   You can do it too! All you need is a pen and a notebook or journal and your families input. It will draw everyone closer together! A nice cute kitchen chalkboard to write the weekly menus where everyone can see it is also a great idea.
   Well, I hope I inspired you to save money, feel better about yourself, and eat better! God bless!
Acts 2:38, Obey it!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Babies Don't Keep!

   Today, I sat down and tried to figure out all the things I had to do today. Nothing gets done unless I write it down on my list and commit to it! The house was of course my first priority since it looked so dreadful. That load of towels that has sat in the washing machine for 2 or 3 days HAS to be washed once again and then maybe I'll remember to get them out (don't judge me, you don't have it all together either!). The list could go on for forever and the question is, when does it stop? The answer is simply this, it doesn't.
   I looked down at my feet and my one and two year old was tugging at my skirt, longing for me to hold them. My son grabbed my finger and pulled me to their playroom because they wanted to play with the toys with their mommy. I felt so selfish for not spending more time with them, even though I am home with them. Feeding them, clothing them, bathing them, and buying them all they want isn't all they need. They need someone to teach them how to have fun too. I've miserably failed on that part I'm afraid.
   I find that when you enter a child's play room, watch them play, and join them in their fun, you enter their realm. You really find out how much they know and understand. You really get to know them! Needless to say, I'm not slaving in the kitchen right now or taking on any other tasks for the moment. My babies are not going to be little forever. I'm playing with them in their world of hotwheels, books, and dollies. I'm trying to see the world through their little eyes.
   It's okay sometimes to lay aside the chores until later and invest some time into your children's lives. As bad as I need to take care of my disaster of a house, it can wait for a little while!

"Babies Don’t Keep"

By Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

"Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,

Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,

Hang out the washing, make up the bed,

Sew on a button and butter the bread.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?

She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,

Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due

Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo

The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew

And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo

But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo

Look! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?

Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow

But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!

I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep."


Friday, August 22, 2014

Is Social Media Sabotaging Our Life?

     Do we have as much control over our lives  as we think we do?  Are we accidentally putting our families and God on the back burner?
     I asked myself yesterday, "What am I prioritizing in my life?" I felt guilty instantly. A lot of times our problems in life can come because we can't seem to find a time to put God first. We, myself included, get tangled up in the affairs of the home, trying to juggle all the demanding needs of our families. But if we look at each day as a pie chart, we will find that there is indeed time for God. We will also find that social media unfortunately is a huge culprit in sabotaging our schedule.
     What do we spend most of our time doing? Is is housework, running errands, caring for our children/ spending time with them, social media browsing, texting/ talking on the telephone, etc? I'm going to be the first to say that social media has become a leech in the lives of today's adults and children. I know too often I am guilty of being sidetracked when I'm doing something important because a notification will pop up on my phone, whether it may be a text or something else. That one second you look at something can turn into 30 minutes of being engrossed in looking at something interesting on the internet or having a text conversation. There goes 30 minutes of precious time that could have gone into housework or reading the Bible. Guilty! Now, don't get me wrong! Social media isn't per say the problem. WE are the ones who chose to turn the computer on or turn the notifications on our phone. It is how we use it, how much time it takes up in our day to day lives, and how we choose to bring it into our lives. It is very easy to find oneself combing through all the ideas on Pintrest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. I am not that internet savvy but I'm sure y'all could come up with more sites. They don't call it the "web" for nothing for it has indeed entangled the lives of so many. So many families have been broken because of the internet; social media sites, pornography, and dating sites lead to so much unfaithfulness in both men and women.
    Our children need to see us on our knees more than they see us with our face glued to a smartphone, tablet, or computer screen. Can I get an amen?
    Let's take our lives back! Pray, fast, read your Bible, spend time with your family, make memories, and fast that social media! If God is leading you to get rid of it completely, obey Him! You will be the happier for it!

Acts 2:38, Obey it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

About my little family

Finding time to write a miracle in and of itself! I just wanted to share what is dear and close to my heart, and that is my family. I love to blog and write,  I love to make people laugh and I love to inspire people. So I hope you enjoy my little musings.

My husband, Rev. Justin Caudle and I were married on August 13, 2011, thus beginning our blind, yet exciting adventure into adulthood, married life, responsibilities, and parenthood. 

We found out we were carrying our firstborn son, Tucker Lee Caudle on in January of 2012. We had only been married a mere 4 months but we were overjoyed when we found out. He was born later that year on September 7th, 2012. 

Our proud little family of three soon made room for another addition. I found out I was pregnant once again only three months after giving birth to my son. It was unexpected, but we were tickled to death nonetheless! My husband was excited at the potential to get a little girl this time, and sure enough, at 28 weeks we found out we had a little girl. Annalei Rae Caudle was born September 11th, 2013. Daddy got his little princess.

Now, we've became a bit wiser, and our two healthy toddlers are on the verge of celebrating their 2nd and 1st birthdays. 

We have a lot on our plates with my husband being a pastor of a local assembly, New Life Pentecostal Church in Mount Airy, NC, and juggling a full-time job. I was terminated from my job a couple of months ago, so now I'm a full-time mommy and proud of it! I thank the Lord everyday because it allows me to spend time with my precious munchkins! I wouldn't trade anything for this life I have. I am blessed beyond measure.