Thursday, September 25, 2014

Get In It for the Long Haul!

   My blog today is not an easy subject, but that doesn't make it any less important. 
   A startling statistic for marriage and divorce rates: 8.8 years was  the average length for heterosexual (man and woman) marriage in the US! That's not only among worldly unbelievers either! That is also among people that claim to be Christians. This is  a stench in God's nostrils. 
   Divorce has become too easy for people, instead of just working things out and keeping the love kindled in the marriage. People are no longer ashamed of divorce as they once were 50 years ago.  There are still long beautiful marriages out there but they are growing far and few between.  No one cares to look at the real facts of what divorce does to their children either. It scars their life forever, and in turn they will most likely have the same turmoil. 
   Living together is popular trend among our young and even middle aged folks today. It makes me sick when somebody will go on about "being together' with their  "soul-mate", and then you find out that they are just shacking up. When did "shacking up" become an acceptable alternative to marriage?  Why? BECAUSE PEOPLE HAS PUT SUCH A NEGATIVE MINDSET IN THEIR CHILDREN TO THINK THAT EVERY  MARRIAGE IS  A CURSE AND A FAILURE. The Bible created marriage to be beautiful, holy, honorable, and enjoyable. Marriage is now being referred to as the "ball and chain". People discourage young folks from even getting married because they wasn't able to make their marriage work. I understand that some situations happen and past is past, but we should not even let divorce be in our vocabulary, especially in the church. 
   We say that we want our marriages to be forever and we say the vows "til' death do us part" but are those just pretty words? NO. Those vows are a solemn promise before God, and should not be taken lightly. Two very imperfect people are joining forces as one to work together and serve God for the rest of their lives. If you are marrying for any other purpose, then you have the wrong intentions. 
    I'll go as far to say that marriage is a Godly institution, and if neither of you are serving God to start with, your marriage vows are nothing but pretty words. You are recognized by the state as "married" but unless God is the glue, your marriage is headed for the rocks, my friend. Unbelievers can't understand the value of the vows they made, therefore they deem it easy to go through marriage partners like candy. Divorce sickens God, and so does an unholy union.
   I encourage our youth to get grounded in the Word , make sure they have repented, been baptized in the wonderful  name of Jesus, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38) before they even think about finding a mate! Then, God will send you a wonderful mate that will not hinder you from serving God, but help serve along with you! 
   For you that are married, put some tar on your heels, and get in it for the long haul. You need each other.
Acts 2:38, Obey it!

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